Sunday, March 9, 2014


Positive Reinforcement
*Adding a stimulant to increase a behavior
*Designed to increase behaviors, by increasing the likelihood the behavior will increase in the future
*Penny chart
*Primary reward
*Preferred activity
*High five
*Reinforce 1:1 in beginning
*Varied reinforcing more reinforcing 1:2
*Designed to decrease behaviors by adding an  aversive stimulant
*Does not teach an alternative behavior
*Works  on Highly conscious children
*Natural consequences
*Time out
* Works while in the authorities’ presence, not so effective when the authority is not present
* Does not change behavior, only temporarily stops it
Negative Reinforcement
*Taking a stimulant away
*Taking away a stimulant to increase a behavior
*Designed to increase behaviors in the future
*Penny charts, sticker charts
*Response cost
*Take away a preferred activity (video game, access to cell phone or TV)
*Take away time from recess
*For each minute they waste from your time, take a minute away from lunch time, recess, TV, etc.

*Designed to decrease behaviors by taking away a stimulant
*Conscious ignoring
*Take attention away from behaviors
*Expect an initial spike in the behavior at the beginning (child is used to gaining attention and will increase the behavior to get the attention)

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