Some children with autism have a need to an increase of tactile input. I have made sensory books for children to touch and feel to help them calm down when they need extra tactile sensory input.
These flip books are small enough to carry and easy to make. They also are not very expensive. I went to the local Lowe's Home Improvement Store and they gave me free carpet, outdoor carpet and laminate samples.
I then cut bright colors or card stock that were an inch larger than the largest piece of carpet. I then had the card stock laminated and one hole punched in the upper left hand corner. Make sure the hole is are enough away from the corner so tugging and throwing the flip books won't rip through the holes.
Then put a metal ring through the holes, and make a flip book out of them. Use a strong glue to glue the carpet and laminate samples to the pages.
You now have a Tactile Sensory Flip Book.